Meraner Mühle
Bread Erb Bakery
Baked goods as part of the regional cycle
Fresh Bread for the City
All big things must start with small steps. Especially when it comes to sustainability, it is the numerous regional cycles that make up the big picture. This is the philosophy to which the Erb bakery and pastry shop in Meran/Merano has dedicated its trade. This traditional business sees its purpose in ensuring daily local supply. And it does so with high-quality South Tyrolean baked goods, especially fresh bread and delicious pastries.

This commitment is most strongly reflected in special traditional types of bread, from “Regiopaarl” and “Regiobreatl” to apple strudel, all of which bear the South Tyrolean seal of quality. The wares are produced using recipes that have been passed down, and the most important ingredients such as grain, butter, and apples are all locally sourced. This fosters regional cycles.

In order to bake such delicious goods, the bakery uses raw ingredients derived from controlled sources of cultivation. Using artisanal skill to turn a small number of natural raw ingredients into healthy, high-quality breads and pastries every single day, that is our driving force”, says Sabine Erb when asked about her daily motivation.

For this purpose, the whole family is focusing on the long-term, sustainable outlook of their business. When it comes to their everyday work, what the family of bakers loves most is interacting with their customers. “The large number of regular customers and the low employee turnover rate give us the validation that we are doing our work right”, says Sabine Erb.
collaborators Erb bread
Using artisanal skill to turn a small number of natural raw ingredients into healthy, high-quality breads and pastries every single day, that is our driving force.
Sabine Erb
Pasticceria Panificio Erb
Via Scuderie, 83/85
39012 Meran/Merano

Our products:
Pasticceria Panificio Erb